
Harnessing the Power of Generative AI and AI Agents

Effective, secure, and data-driven AI implementations that solve real business challenges, not just at the top, but across every function—where generative AI and AI agents are already transforming how teams innovate and deliver measurable impact.

Yet, according to Boston Consulting Group, 42% of leaders still lack guidance on using AI at work. Equip your organization with a clear roadmap and join the forefront of AI-powered innovation.

Download the Harvard Business Review Analytic Services report, “Harnessing the Power of Generative AI and AI Agents,” sponsored by SnapLogic to discover how enterprises can lay the right technical foundations, establish robust governance, and develop a workforce primed for AI-driven success.

Sie werden lernen:

  • How to prioritize and implement high-impact AI use cases
  • Why quality data and streamlined integration are critical for enterprise AI
  • Strategies for aligning AI initiatives with measurable business goals
  • Practical tips for upskilling teams and building an AI-ready culture

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