Media Kit

Thank you for your interest in SnapLogic! We’re excited to share our brand resources with you. We’ve developed some guidelines to ensure consistent and proper use of these assets. Please take a moment to review them and help us maintain the integrity of the SnapLogic brand. For any questions or further assistance, please contact our media team.

SnapLogic Brand Guidelines

Download our official SnapLogic Brand Guide to learn the proper usage of our colors, fonts, logos, symbols, patterns, and more.

SnapLogic Brand Guide thumbnail

SnapLogic Logos

Download any of of these authorized SnapLogic logos below or download our SnapLogic logos kit for a collection of all logos including print versions.

SnapLogic Name Usage

The SnapLogic name must never include a space and the “S” and the “L” must be capitalized. It should never be spelled “snap logic” or “Snaplogic”

SnapLogic name usage examples